Evaluation of Insecticides and Biopesticides Against Leaf Hopper Empoasca kerri Pruthi in Pigeon Pea


  • S. S. Karabhantanal All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Vijayapur 586101, Karnataka
  • Saicharan Dharavath Department of Agricultural Entomology, UAS Dharwad, College of Agriculture, Vijayapur 586101, Karnataka




Empoasca kerri, pigeonpea, flonicamid 50WG, tolfenpyrad 20%SC, Lecanicillium lecanii, neemazol, thiamethoxam, yield, incidence


Green leafhopper Empoasca kerri (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) is a polyphagous xylem feeder and it is a pest of pulse crops. The present study evaluated some insecticides and biopesticides against E. kerri in pigeonpea. The results revealed that its incidence was significantly reduced with flonicamid 50WG and tolfenpyrad 20%SC (89.39 and 81.92%, respectively) after third spray. Also, increase in yield was observed with flonicamid 50WG (13.20 q/ ha) and thiamethoxam 25WDG (12.90 q/ ha) amounting to 37.50 and 36.05%, respectively. The biopesticides viz., neemazol 1% @ 2ml/ l and Lecanicillium lecanii @2g/ l were found to be the least effective.


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How to Cite

Karabhantanal , S. S. ., & Dharavath, S. (2021). Evaluation of Insecticides and Biopesticides Against Leaf Hopper <i>Empoasca kerri</i> Pruthi in Pigeon Pea. Indian Journal of Entomology, 84(3), 602–603. https://doi.org/10.55446/IJE.2021.102



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