Water Quality and Density of Aedes Sp Larvae— A Study from Indonesia


  • Nur Indriyani Department of Environmental Health, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar
  • Hasanuddin Ishak Department of Environmental Health, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar
  • Syamsuar Department of Environmental Health, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar
  • Erniwati Ibrahim Department of Environmental Health, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar
  • Syahribulan Department of Biologics, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar
  • Masni Department of Biostatistics, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar




Aedes sp, DHF, larvae, water quality, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, larval presence, vector control, larval density, pH, dissolved oxygen, public health


The results showed that there was a relationship between water temperature and the presence of larvae with a value of p = 0.000, there was a relationship between water pH and the presence of larvae with a value of p = 0.019 and there was no relationship between dissolved oxygen (DO) and the presence of larvae with a value of p = 0.572. It is expected that the Makassar health department to provide supervision and provide guidance to the community to focus more on eradicating mosquito nests and the community should always pay attention and routinely monitor water quality in water reservoirs that affect the density of mosquito larvae.


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How to Cite

Indriyani, N., Ishak, H., Syamsuar, Ibrahim, E., Syahribulan, & Masni. (2024). Water Quality and Density of <i>Aedes</i> Sp Larvae— A Study from Indonesia. Indian Journal of Entomology. https://doi.org/10.55446/IJE.2024.2414



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