Effect of Little Jumantik Training on the Behaviour of Preventing Dengue Fever


  • Firdayanti Department of Environmental Health, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar
  • Erniwati Ibrahim Department of Environmental Health, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar
  • Hasanuddin Ishak Department of Environmental Health, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar
  • Syamsuar Manyullei Department of Environmental Health, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar
  • Ansariadi Department of Epidemiology Health, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar
  • Isra Wahid Department of Parasitology, Hasanuddin University 90245, Makassar




Training, little jumantik, behaviour, knowledge, attitude, practice, effect, Aedes sp, larvae, DHF, dengue, provention, intervention, awareness, children


The results showed a difference in knowledge, attitudes and practices to prevent dengue fever before and after the little jumantik training, with the results of statistical tests obtaining a value of p = 0.000 for knowledge, attitudes and practices. These findings can be used to create better and more beneficial health intervention programs for the community, significantly increasing awareness and efforts to prevent dengue fever among children.


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How to Cite

Firdayanti, Ibrahim, E., Ishak, H., Manyullei, S., Ansariadi, & Wahid, I. (2024). Effect of Little Jumantik Training on the Behaviour of Preventing Dengue Fever. Indian Journal of Entomology. https://doi.org/10.55446/IJE.2024.2411



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