Effects of Bacteria Isolated from Salibat Bogs on the Biology of Lesser Grain Borer Rhyzopertha dominica (F)


  • Ahmed Ayad Al-Nuaimy Department of Desert studies center and Sawa lake, Al-Muthanna University
  • Sofia Jabbar Jassim Department of Desert studies center and Sawa lake, Al-Muthanna University
  • Meeri Kadhim Al-Fatlaw Department of Desert studies center and Sawa lake, Al-Muthanna University
  • Alyaa Adnan Makki Agricultural Extension and Training Office, Al-Muthanna




Salibat bogs, Rhyzopertha dominica, biological control, Raoultella planticola, Providencia rettgeri, toxicity, mortality, concentration, dose, exposure, life stages


In the 2022-2023 season, this study done at the Desert and Sawa Lake Research Center Laboratory of Al-Muthanna University explored the effects of bacterial isolates Raoultella planticola and Providencia rettgeri on insects. Different concentrations and periods of exposure were evaluated against life stages of Rhyzopertha dominica (F). The results showed that after treatment with P. rettgeri, the mortality rate in second-instar larvae of male and female significantly increased (13.14- 40.26%). The period of exposure of 96 hr was significantly superior (18.44- 47.18%); the triple interference treatment (P. rettgeri + 96 hr + 106) was significantly superior than others in giving mortality of all life stages to an extent of 23.33 - 84.96%.


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How to Cite

Al-Nuaimy, A. A., Jassim, S. J., Al-Fatlaw, M. K., & Makki, A. A. (2024). Effects of Bacteria Isolated from Salibat Bogs on the Biology of Lesser Grain Borer <i>Rhyzopertha dominica</i> (F). Indian Journal of Entomology, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.55446/IJE.2024.2334



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