Aquatic Insects in the Garaat Djamal Al-Tarf of Northeastern Algeria


  • Habiba Gacem Higher Normal School of Technological Education of Skikda, 21000
  • Imene Khafallah Higher Normal School of Technological Education of Skikda, 21000
  • Rabah Chaouch Higher Normal School of Technological Education of Skikda, 21000



Aquatic insects, physicochemical, distribution, environment, stations, ecosystem, Gaarat Djamel, methods, biological control, conductivity, temperature, pH


In this study, we want to know the quality of surface water at our study site, as we divided it into three stations. To evaluate the distribution of these insects, a statistical study was conducted and physical and chemical indicators of the water were measured between October 2022 and March 2023. The results showed a group of 4,986 individuals whose concentrations varied significantly between the three stations. Five genera have been recognized. The five varieties collected are very hardy and highly adaptable to different environmental conditions. These statistics were subjected to three tests. Finally, we found that the distribution of aquatic insect species is related to their physical and chemical characteristics, and therefore their distribution varies depending on the water temperature. And the insects themselves influence each other's existence.


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How to Cite

Gacem, H., Khafallah, I., & Chaouch, R. (2024). Aquatic Insects in the Garaat Djamal Al-Tarf of Northeastern Algeria. Indian Journal of Entomology, 1–4.



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