Nano- Enhanced Essential Oils as Insecticide


  • Nefla Y Department of Entomology, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari 396450, Gujarat
  • G B Kalariya Agricultural Technology Information Centre, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari 396450, Gujarat



Controlled release, essential oils, integrated pest management, nanoformulations, nanotechnology, phagodeterrant, polymeric nanoparticle, repellent, stability


With the growth of the world population, there is a corresponding rise in the need for agricultural output. Consequently, there has been an over reliance on pesticides to augment the productivity of crops. It resulted in significant environmental damage, harm to non-targeted insects and contributed to the emergence of insect resistance. Consequently, the use of environmentally acceptable biopesticides made from essential oils in integrated pest control programmes as a supplement or substitute for chemically produced insecticides is the need of the noun. Essential oils (EOs) are volatile molecules that occur naturally in plants and possess a unique scent. They are utilised as toxicants, repellents and phagodeterrants. The inherent characteristics of these substances disrupt multiple metabolic processes of insect pests, ultimately resulting in their death. Although EOs possess favourable characteristics, they also have various limitations. In order to tackle the problems related to the utilisation of EOs, it is necessary to employ nanotechnology to integrate them into nanoformulations. Integrating essential oils with controlled-release nanoformulations may offer a more efficient remedy compared to using a single, unbound ingredient.


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How to Cite

Y, N., & Kalariya, G. B. (2024). Nano- Enhanced Essential Oils as Insecticide. Indian Journal of Entomology, 1–7.



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