Host Plants of Three Species of Locusts from Algeria


  • Hamida Belhadj Department of Natural and life Sciences, Higher Teacher Training College Kouba Algiers
  • Salima Belkouche Department of Natural and life Sciences, Higher Teacher Training College Kouba Algiers
  • Abderrahim Achouche Department of Natural and life Sciences, Higher Teacher Training College Kouba Algiers



Host plants, Pyrgomorpha cognata, Acrotylus patruelis, Ochrilidia gracilis, Cynodondactylon, Imperata cylindrica, frequency of occurrence, recovery rate, Sahara, Ouargla, Algeria


The study of the host plants of three locusts in the northern Sahara, in the Ouargla basin, was conducted at two sites: the palm grove of the National Institute of Higher Training in Saharan Agronomy (INFSAS) and the pilot farm at Hassi Ben Abdellah. In the first site, 6 out of 9 plant species were consumed by the grasshoppers; Pyrgomorpha cognata (Krauss, 1877) consumed 6 species, with Imperata cylindrica being specific to males. Acrotylus patruelis (Herrich-Schaffer, 1843) consumed 4 species, with a maximum occurrence of 100% for Cynodon dactylon in females. Ochrilidia gracilis (Krauss, 1902) utilized only the Poaceae family, with 100% occurrence for Cynodon dactylon and Imperata cylindrica. At Hassi Ben Abdellah, the 5 plant species were consumed; Pyrgomorpha cognata fed on 4 species, with Melilotus indica specific to females. Acrotylus patruelis consumed 4 species, 2 of which were common to both sexes. Ochrilidia gracilis females consumed more species than males, who fed exclusively on Cynodon dactylon with 100% occurrence.


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How to Cite

Belhadj, H., Belkouche, S., & Achouche, A. (2024). Host Plants of Three Species of Locusts from Algeria. Indian Journal of Entomology.





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