Diagnosis of Salmonella from Musca domestica in Thi-Qar Province of Iraq


  • Sarah Saad Abdul Ameer Directorate of Education of Kerbala, Ministry of Education
  • Burak H J Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Kerbala, Kerbala
  • Haneen Abd Ali Oudah Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kerbala, 56001, Karbala
  • Abdulhusein Mizhir Almaamuri College of Pharmacy, Al Mustaqbal University
  • H A Alsailawi College of Pharmacy, Al Mustaqbal University
  • Mustafa Mudhafar Department of Medical Physics, Faculty of Medical Applied Sciences, University of Kerbala, 56001, Karbala
  • Karrar Sabah Jaafar Al-Fahad Babylon Education Directorate, Ministry of Education




Salmonella spp., ampicillin, norfloxacin, bacterial, Musca domestica, adults, PCR, InvA gene, Kirbery-Bauer, antibiotics, resistance


The current study isolated and diagnosed pathogenic bacteria Salmonella from the domestic population of Musca domestica L collected from surrounding environments and overlapping with residential areas in Thi-Qar province. Thirty samples of Salmonella were isolated and diagnosed from 360 samples collected from markets, houses and hospitals of Thi-Qar provaince. The highest incidence of bacteria from external surface was during May and July (10.5%), while the lowest incidence was during January, February and November. This diagnosis was confirmed by a confirmatory test (API. 20) and the same diagnostic ratio given. All isolates were examined for their resistance to antibiotics which revealed that 46.6% of isolated Salmonella are resistant to nalidalic acid (86.7%), gentamicin (30%), amoxicillin (26.7%), norfloxacin and ampicillin (23.3 %). Diagnosed isolates were subjected to PCR, and this led to diagnosis of InvA gene in Salmonella.


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How to Cite

Abdul Ameer, S. S., H J, B., Ali Oudah, H. A., Almaamuri, A. M., Alsailawi, H. A., Mudhafar, M., & Al-Fahad, K. S. J. (2024). Diagnosis of Salmonella from <i>Musca domestica</i> in Thi-Qar Province of Iraq. Indian Journal of Entomology, 1–4. https://doi.org/10.55446/IJE.2024.1709



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