Advances In Lac Insect Culture Research And Scope For Innovative Entrepreneurship Using Natural Resins And Gums


  • Kewal Krishan Sharma ICAR-National Institute of Secondary Agriculture (Formerly Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums; Indian Lac Research Institute), Ranchi 834 010, Jharkhand



Lac insect, Kerria lacca, Tachardiidae, lac farming, natural resins and gums, entrepreneurship development


Lac insects are specialized group of phytosuccivorous insects (Coccoidea: Tachardiidae) that secrete resin of industrial importance having diverse applications. Around 101 species of lac-insects and over 400 species of lac host-plants have been reported but insects belonging to sub-family Tachardiinae are considered important for laksha-culture (lac insect farming). Not only the lac insect, but also the host-plants and various biotic associations play a significant role in determining the quantity and quality of the produce. India is endowed with rich wealth of lac insect resources. 27.7% lac insect biodiversity reported from the world is found in our country under two genera i.e., Kerria and Paratachardina. Kerria the true lac secreting genus includes 28 species worldwide, 23 of which are recorded from India. Cultivation of lac / tapping of natural resins and gums not only provides livelihood to millions of lac growers but also helps in conserving the vast stretches of forests, lac insects and associated biota. Lac also provides sustained high economic returns, generates employment opportunities and has the potential to lay a strong foundation for lac based rural cottage industries. Lac farming can easily be integrated with agriculture thus helping in land use diversification for increased income. Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums (ICAR- IINRG) has recently developed new technologies of lac insect farming including newer host plants and developed value added products from lac and other natural resins and gums. Lac integrated farming system models and many of these products have the potential to pave the way for rural industrialization and entrepreneurship development. This review article discusses all these aspects in detail


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How to Cite

Sharma, K. K. . (2023). Advances In Lac Insect Culture Research And Scope For Innovative Entrepreneurship Using Natural Resins And Gums. Indian Journal of Entomology, 84(Special Issue (December), 40–51.



Invited Review Articles


Anonymous. 2010. Development of lac production system using high density ber plantation under semiprotected condition (NABARD sponsored). P. 36. Annual. Report. 2009-10. Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums Namkum, Ranchi, India

Anonymous. 2011. High density ber plantation for lac production under semi protected conditions. P. 35. Annual. Report 2010-11 Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums Namkum, Ranchi, India.

Ghosh J, Lohot V D, Singhal V, Ghosal S, Sharma K K. 2014. Pigeon pea-Lac insect interaction: Effect of lac culture on grain yield and biochemical parameters in pigeon pea. Indian Journal of Genetics 74(4) Supplement: 644-650 (DOI: 10.5958/0975-6906.2014.00904.3).

Ghosh J, Lohot V D, Singhal V, Ghosal S, Sharma K K. 2016. Morphological-biochemical-physiological traits assisted selection for kusmi lac production on ber (Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.) varieties. Indian Journal of Horticulture 73(1): 19-24 (DOI: 10.5958/0974-0112.2016.00012.8).

Jaiswal A K, Sharma K Krishan, Agarwal S C.1998. An efficient and indigenous device for use in lac pest management. Tropical Science (UK), 38:81-86. (Also, in ICAR News, 4(3): 15).

Jaiswal A K, Sharma K Krishan , Agarwal S C. 1999. A modified and upgraded version of insect-separating device used in pest management. National Academy Science Letters 22(5&6): 106-110.

Meena S C, Sharma K K, Monobrullah Md., Mohanasundaram A. 2022. Field Guide on insectpests of Flemingia semialata - a bushy lac host plant. ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Ranchi (Jharkhand), India. Bulletin (Technical) No. 21/2021. 46 pp.

Mohanasundaram A, Sharma K K, Lohot VD, Kandasamy T, et al.. 2022. Calliandra calothyrsus: A Potential Host for the Indian Lac Insect [Kerria lacca (Kerr.)] Cultivationin India. Indian Journal of Ecology 49(1): 201-206 (DOI:

Rajgopal N N, Mohanasundaram A, Sharma K K. 2021. A new species of lac insect in the genus Kerria Targioni Tozzetti (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Tachardiidae) on Samanea saman (Fabaceae) from India. Zootaxa 4938 (1): 060-068. (,

Sharma K K. 2016. Skill and entrepreneurship development: Role of NRG based modules in disadvantaged areas of India. pp. 9-15. In: Yogi RK, Kumar Alok, Singh AK, Yadav SKS and Jaiswal AK (Eds.) 2016. Natural Resins and Gums: Agribusiness Modules for Skill and Entrepreneurship Development. ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India. Training Manual No. 16/2016. 144 pp.

Sharma K K. 2017. Lac insects and host plants. pp. 157-180. Omkar (ed.). Industrial Entomology, 465 pp. Springer Nature Singapore Pvt. Ltd., Singapore. (DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-3304-9. ISBN 978-981-10-33032; ISBN 978-981-10-3304-9) (ebook).

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Sharma K K , Ghosal S. 2011. Lac Cultivation on Plantation Basis - Kusmi Lac Production on Ziziphus mauritiana (ber). pp. 165-174. Sharma KK and Ramani R (eds). Recent Advances in Lac Culture. IINRG, Ranchi. 319 pp.

Sharma K, Ramani R. 2011. Recent Advances in Lac Culture (revised & enlarged). IINRG, Ranchi. 319 pp.

Sharma K K, Monobrullah Md., Mohanasundaram A, Ramani R. 2016. Beneficial Insect Farming: Benefits and Livelihood Generation. ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins & Gums, Namkum, Ranchi 834010, Jharkhand, India. 194 pp. (ISBN 978-93-5254-624-4).

Sharma K K, Ramani R. 2011. Intensive lac cultivation - Kusmi lac production on Flemingia semialata. pp. 180-188. Sharma K K and Ramani R (eds). Recent Advances in Lac Culture. IINRG, Ranchi. 319 pp.

Sharma S C, Yadav S K S, Yogi R K, Niranjan Prasad, Sharma K K. 2021. Sustainable Technological Interventions for Entrepreneurship Development in Tribal Zone. Hyderabad: National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management & ICAR-IINRG, Ranchi. 98 pp.

Singhal V, Meena S C, Sharma K K , Ramani R. 2014. Lac Integrated Farming System- A new approach in lac cultivation. Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Ranchi. 28 pp.

Srivastava S, Chowdhury A R , Sharma K K. 2019. Large scale preparation of Herbal Gulal from palas flowers. 4 pp. ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Ranchi.

Thombare N K, Lohot V D, Prasad N , Sharma K K. 2018. Major Gum and Resin Plants of India: A Field Guide. ICAR-IINRG, Ranchi. 136 pp.

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Varshney R K, Sharma K K. 2020. Lac Insects of the World – An updated Catalogue and Bibliography. ICARIINRG, Ranchi, India. 84 pp.

Yogi R K, Sharma K K , Ramani R. 2016. Model Bankable Projects: Lac Cultivation for Livelihood Security. ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Ranchi, India. Technical Bulletin No. 17/2016. 34 pp.

Yogi R K, Kumar Nirmal , Sharma K K. 2021. Lac, Plant resins and Gums statistics: At a glance. ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Ranchi, India. Technical Bulletin No. 2/2022. 102 pp