Pollinator Activities in Momordica cymbalaria Cucurbitaceae


  • Yogapriya Adaikkan Phyto-insecticides Lab II, Department of Entomology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram-608002, Tamil Nadu
  • Selvamuthukumaran Thirunavukkarasu Phyto-insecticides Lab II, Department of Entomology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram-608002, Tamil Nadu




Momordica cymbalaria, Athalakai, pollinators, foraging activity, hymenopterans, solitary bees, Lassioglossum sp., Trigona iridipennis, Apis florea, ants, honey bees, diversity indices, non-cultivated cucurbits


Momordica cymbalaria is an underutilized, non-cultivated cucurbit often seen as a weed. A study to record diversity of pollinators in M. cymbalaria was conducted during September to November, 2021 in Virudhunagar (Tamil Nadu). A total of 26 species (18 hymenopterans, 5 dipterans, 2 coleopterans and 1 hemipteran) were found as pollinators. Hymenopterans were the predominant (69.23%; 38.47% solitary bees and 15.38% each of social bees and ants). Dominating pollinators species was Lasioglossum sp. >Dorymyrmex sp. >Technomyrmex albipes>Trigona iridipennis > Halictus sp. >Apis florea. The mean population of Lassioglossum was maximum (6.24 bees/ m2/ 5 min) during 1000 to 1200 hr. Other solitary and social bees were also foraging maximum during 1000 to 1200 hr. Ants were found frequenting flowers from 0900 to 1800 hr. Species richness was maximum during 1000 to 1200 hr (17 species) and minimum during 1600 to 1800 hr (6 species). Species diversity and evenness not noticed throughout the hours of observation indicated unevenness. Thus, M. cymbalaria was mainly pollinated by solitary bees like Lassioglossum sp. and to a little extent by T. iridipennis.


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How to Cite

Adaikkan, Y., & Thirunavukkarasu, S. (2023). Pollinator Activities in <I>Momordica cymbalaria</I> Cucurbitaceae. Indian Journal of Entomology, 86(1), 230–233. https://doi.org/10.55446/IJE.2023.714



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