Biointensive Management of Tea Mosquito Bug Helopeltis Spp. In Moringa


  • K Suresh Department of Agricultural Entomology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai 625104 Tamil Nadu



Tea mosquito bug, moringa, neem oil, NSKE, neemazal, pungam oil, fish oil rosin soap, Beauveria bassiana, Lecanicillium lecanii, efficacy, yield


Field experiments were conducted during 2018-19 and 2019-20 in moringa gardens at Usilampatti Block, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu with seven biopesticides viz., neem oil 3%, NSKE 5%, azadirachtin/ neemazal 3,000 ppm, pungam oil 3%, fish oil rosin soap 25 g/ l, Beauveria bassiana 108 CFU/ ml and Lecanicillium lecanii 106 CFU/ ml to evaluate their efficacy against tea mosquito bug Helopeltis spp. Among these, B. bassiana 108 CFU/ ml was found to be the most effective.


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How to Cite

Suresh, K. . (2022). Biointensive Management of Tea Mosquito Bug <i>Helopeltis</i> Spp. In Moringa. Indian Journal of Entomology, 84(2), 399–401.



Research Communications


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