Seasonal Incidence of Helicoverpa armigera on Sunflower
Capitulum borer, yield loss, correlation, regression, economic threshold level, Helicoverpa armigera, monitoring, weather factorsAbstract
Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). the sunflower head borer, poses a significant threat as it can cause extensive damage by feeding on flower heads and seeds. Its presence can lead to yield losses. Effective IPM strategies are crucial to mitigate the impact of H. armigera infestations and ensure the profitability and sustainability. Monitoring pests is crucial for timely intervention and to minimize crop damage and optimize yields. The present field experiment was carried out during 2021 to study the seasonal incidence of H. armigera on sunflower. Result revealed that incidence of H. armigera was observed during 50th standard meteorological week which reached to peak during 7th SMW. However, it crossed the ETL during 4th SMW. In relation to weather parameters, H. armigera showed positive correlation with maximum temperature (r = 0.557*), while it was negative with evening relative humidity (r = - 0.605*). Further, multiple regression was carried out and it revealed that environmental factors influenced about 70.10% H. armigera incidence in sunflower.
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