Evaluation of Some Ecofriendly IPM Approaches in Sorghum
Sorghum, Atherigona soccata, Chilo partellus, Stenodiplosis sorghicola, IPM modules, timely sowing, imidacloprid, NSKE, fishmeal trap, bund cropping, bhendi, Trichogramma chilonisAbstract
Some ecofriendly IPM modules were evaluated against insect pests of sorghum. These included: timely sowing (41st standard week-SW); seed treatment with imidacloprid 70WS @ 3 g/ kg seed; installing fishmeal trap @ 12/ ha up to 30 days after emergence (DAE); bund cropping with sorghum + bhendi; releasing egg parasitoid, Trichogramma chilonis at 35 DAE; spraying NSKE 5% at 60 DAE. These recorded minimum pest load with highest cost benefit ratio. This IPM package was compared to local common farmers’ practice and the results proved that these approaches are superior.
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AICSIP (All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project) 2021. Progress reports of the All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project, New Delhi, India: Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
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