A Edible Insects and Modern Approaches to Their Use-Scientific Analysis


  • Maqsadjon Madumarov Department of Biology, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, 150700, Turon str, Kokand, Uzbekistan.
  • Hasanboy Abdinazarov Department of Biology, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, 150700, Turon str, Kokand, Uzbekistan.
  • Nortoji Khujamshukurov Department of Biotexnologiya, Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.




Edible Insects, Nutritive Insect, Food, Feed, Protein, Fat, Breeding, Tenebrio molitor, Produce.


This article highlights theedible insects and their potential uses in practice. Furthermore,a scientific analysis of the types of edibleinsects widely used by the world community, their nutritional value and the specifics of their production, the existing problems and their solutionsare provided. The problems of feed additives in the livestock, poultry and fisheries of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as scientific and practical approaches to the role of edibleinsects in overcoming these problems are also discussed. The information presented in this article serves as a scientific source for the production and implementation of products based on edibleinsects.


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How to Cite

Madumarov, M., Abdinazarov, H., & Khujamshukurov, N. (2023). A Edible Insects and Modern Approaches to Their Use-Scientific Analysis. Indian Journal of Entomology, 01–05. https://doi.org/10.55446/IJE.2023.1256



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