Ultrastructure of Egg Chorion and Its Sculpture in Two Arctiids (Erebidae: Arctiinae)


  • Amritpal Singh Kaleka Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University Patiala 147002, Punjab https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9896-7812
  • Sainika Jallundhara Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University Patiala 147002, Punjab
  • Yachana Kapoor Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University Patiala 147002, Punjab https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3513-766X




Aeropyles, Andala unifascia, Arctiidae, Creatonotos transiens, micropylar region, micropylar rosette, micropyles, polygonal cells, scanning electron microscope, taxonomy, ultrastructure


The identification of moths has been always dependent on characters like wing maculation, wing venation, male and female genitalic features, but the ultrastructural characters like egg chorion patterns have been completely ignored. These are equally important for identification. In the present study, scanning electron microscope was used to inspect, characterize, and depict eggs of two tiger moth species i.e., Andala unifascia Walker, 1855 and Creatonotos transiens (Walker, 1855) referable to family Erebidae. On the eggshells of both these species, morphological features have been observed and these are of great taxonomic value at species as well as at genus levels. These characters will enable identifying moths at much earlier stages of their life histories i.e., eggs.


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How to Cite

Singh Kaleka, A., Jallundhara, S., & Kapoor, Y. . (2023). Ultrastructure of Egg Chorion and Its Sculpture in Two Arctiids (Erebidae: Arctiinae). Indian Journal of Entomology. https://doi.org/10.55446/IJE.2023.1255



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